Images of Cuba

The following postcards are available:
- Cienfuegos: Castillo de Jagua | Cienfuegos Bay from the Sea 1967 |
- Guantanamo: Guantanamo Hospital | Rural Guard Barracks |
- Havana: Typical Colonial Residences | View from Morro Castle | La Fuerza, el Templete y la Cabaña | Capitol Building | Parapet of Fortress Cabaña | Tacon Market | Catedral de San Cristóbal | Tropical Beer Gardens | Cristóbal Colón Cemetery | Vento Water Works | El Capitolio | Monument November 27, 1871 | Death Row Cabana Fortress | Parque de la India | Lighthouse of Morro Castle | Plaza de la Catedral | El Prado | Paseo de Marti | San Cristobál | Storm at Morro Castle
- Other Places: A typical town house |
- Cuban Landscapes: A Field of Pineapples | Primitive Plow | Train Load of Sugarcane | A Sugarcane Field | Cuban farmhouse scene | Orange Grove | Bamboo Plantation | Avenue with Royal Palms | Bohio Huts | A Bohio village | Oxen hauling sugarcane | Cuban fishing village
- Cuban People: Cuban Milk Vendor | Milking a Donkey | Bone Pile in Cuban Cemetery | Goat Nursing a Child | Cuban Carriage Volanta | Cuban bread vendor | Cuban Beggar | Climbing a Coconut Tree | A Cuban Courtship
More on Cuba.