In short

The Territory
The climate
The Population
UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Cities and places of interest
Tokyo offers many interesting places for tourists from all the world, both cultural, artistic and in the sports field. Throughout the year there are festival and events, theatrical performances and concerts. Among the museums the National Museum of Tokyo, the National Museum of Sciences and the Nezu Museum are well worth a visit.
Other important cities are: Nagoya, Kyoto, the beautiful Osaka, Yokohama. In Japan there are 28 National Parks and dozens of minor Parks, the most famous being the Rishiri-Rebun-Sarobetsu National Park, the Akan National Park and the Kushiro Shitsugen National Park on the island of Hokkaido.
How to Travel
The European Union tourist travelling to Japan must have a valid passport, while it is not necessary a visa for staying under 90 days, to be proved with an airline return ticket. Vaccinations are not requested, and to drive an international licence is required. After the yen, also the American dollar is widely accepted, but considering the often high exchange commission, it is better to change in Europe. It is not customary to leave tips, and many things normal for Europeans are sign of bad behaviour, as trying to bargain for a better price. Electrical current is usually 100 volts, therefore for many devices it is advisable to bring along transformers or adapters, being the sockets of the American model.
The Economy
In agriculture, though the land percentage suitable for cultivation is very little, terrace farming produces high levels of crop yields per unit, though Japan must import about 50% of its requirements. In fishing, Japan is second in the world after China thanks to its large fishing fleet. Almost all oil and food are imported.